Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
World Changers Youth Ministry is for tweens and teens. This is the age range of 11 to 18. We call them World Changers because that's what we believe they are doing right now. At TOPCC, we value and adore our Gen Z's. Our tweens and teens bring such a spark to our ministry, which we love and want more of from them all. Current studies continue to show a decline in youth church attendance and their rejected views on Christianity and faith. Our goal is to introduce Jesus to our youth in it's purest and authentic form without barriers of religion. We think it is important for each youth to know their voice will be heard and they will be fully supported in their individual spiritual journey. We strive to meet each youth where they are and help them get to where they want to be in their own time.
The World Changers Youth Ministry of TOPCC looks like fun, growth, engagement, open dialogue connecting to real-life. Being a tween and teen in this modern day is seemingly more difficult. Establishing a meaningful relationship will be different for each World Changer because their needs will be and are different. There is so much exposure and an overwhelming abundance of information that can yield many positives as well as many negatives. Our team leaders are equipped and fully trained on creating a bible study so simple even a toddler could understand it. The information provided will be based on biblical facts while accepting and expecting the World Changer to challenge their viewpoints in a safe space that creates unity and support.
Developing disciples and lovers of Christ is the vision of this ministry.
The World Changers Youth Ministry of TOPCC looks like fun, growth, engagement, open dialogue connecting to real-life. Being a tween and teen in this modern day is seemingly more difficult. Establishing a meaningful relationship will be different for each World Changer because their needs will be and are different. There is so much exposure and an overwhelming abundance of information that can yield many positives as well as many negatives. Our team leaders are equipped and fully trained on creating a bible study so simple even a toddler could understand it. The information provided will be based on biblical facts while accepting and expecting the World Changer to challenge their viewpoints in a safe space that creates unity and support.
Developing disciples and lovers of Christ is the vision of this ministry.
Sunday School With A Twist!
Every 1st, 2nd, & 4th Sunday
9:30 am until 10:25 am
During World Changers, we will review a memory verse, engage in hands-on-activities to better connect with the lesson topic, discuss scripture and how it relates to real life. The lesson topics will be developed (and sometimes augmented) contingent upon the needs and request of the World Changers.