Caterpillars Kids Club

Founded and Facilitated by First Lady Jeffcoat

Caterpillars Kids Club is the new, fun name for Children's Church at TOPCC!  Seeing how the children developed a  zeal for learning more about Jesus, First Lady Jeffcoat began calling the children her little caterpillars.  With the help of the children, the name, Caterpillars Kids Club was formed.  As we know, the caterpillar's goal is to complete the metamorphosis stage and eventually become a butterfly.   The caterpillar has one job- eat.  Eating provides the needed nutrients and energy to achieve the ultimate goal.  In Caterpillars Kids Club, the little caterpillar is fed spiritual food through sharing God's word and making it fun, relatable, and easy to understand.

Caterpillars Kids Club Meeting Times

Each 3rd Sunday
from 9:45 am until 10:25 am

Caterpillars Kids Club is for all children ages 3-10

Caterpillars Kids Club Rules

Each Caterpillar should:

- bring a big a smile to each meeting
- be excited and willing to learn about Jesus
- be kind to every fellow Caterpillar in attendance
- be respectful to the CKC facilitator
- follow given instructions as directed

Caterpillars Kids Club FAQ's

Do I or my child have to be a member of TOPCC to attend?

 No, we openly invite your child to attend Caterpillars Kids Club.

Is there a membership fee for attending?

No, Caterpillars Kids Club is totally free.

Does my child have to attend every CKC meeting?

No, but we highly encourage consistent attendance as possible.

Will my child be forced under a certain doctrine attending CKC?

Absolutely not! Though our program is Christ-centered, your child will be introduced to Jesus
in a fun, free manner with no pressure of anything more.

Can my child have a snack during the CKC meeting?

We understand our sweet Caterpillars may feel a little snackish during our session.  
Although we prefer no eating to ensure attentiveness, there will be no penalty for doing so.